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Admissions open, Apply now!! for January and August intakes

Student Guild

All you need to know about Student Guild

The Students Guild is a link between the students’ body and the College Administration. It is headed by a Guild President who is democratically elected by the students in accordance with the existing guidelines.

We also have the Students’ Guild Council and also the corresponding leaders, the GRCs

Students Guild Council

Tenywa Ashraf

Guild President

Nalukwago Sharifah

Vice Guild President

Kibobo Anthony

General Secretary

Ejjote Swaali

Finance Minister

Tabbo Sadam

Academic Minister

Afiga Rashid

Information Minister

Nunguli Muhammad

Health Minister

Muganga Faizo

Campus Affairs Minister

A. Shakur Jamada Waiswa

Justice & Constitutional Affairs Minister

Kanyesigye Archleo

Sports Minister